How did POLİMETAL restructure its business
processes with the MBIS SAP ERP project?

About Lidya Mining

Lidya Mining was formed in July 2010 after the first major international partnership in Turkish mining between Alacer Gold and Çalık Group in August 2009. As part of the deal, Lidya received 20% of Çöpler Gold Mine and 50% of a large exploration portfolio.

After a decade in mining, Lidya is now part of Çöpler’s success story. The company has managed 2 significant discoveries and developed those projects. Besides, it partnered with 2 reputable North American mining corporations, and is well connected with the international mining community and financial institutions. Lidya is now building a portfolio of gold and copper properties in Central Asia, the Balkans and Africa, in pursuit of its vision to become the most valuable and reputable mining company in Eurasia.

Project Identity:

Project type:

Project implementation method:
MBIS Activate Methodology

Total modules and applications in scope:
FI, FM, CO, PS, MM, SD, PP, PM,ABAP, Fiori

Project implementation method:
Onsite and Remote (with digital connection and communication tools)

Project completion time:
6 months

Number of companies within the scope of the project:

With the SAP ERP Project
the following goals were aimed at Polimetal;

  • Implementing the SAP solution in line with the modules determined in order to carry out
    operational activities on the Çalık Holding central ERP (SAP ECC 6.0)
    system of Polimetal Mining,
  • Making business processes and human/machine performances measurable and manageable in line
    with the reports determined on the related software, Making strategic decisions with
    real-time and accurate information,
  • Standardization in business processes,
  • Distribution of responsibilities and authorities.

How did we succeed together
with Polimetal Mining?

Polimetal Mining, which operates under Lidya Mining, a subsidiary of Çalık Holding, which has been a leader in its sector for years, operates in the Dursunbey district of Balıkesir. Established to produce gold and similar precious metals, Polimetal's SAP ERP Project, which will be operated with modern production techniques, started with the Kick-Off meeting held in June 2021.

After channeling the knowledge and experience of the process owners to the project, high-level modeling studies as well as fit gap analysis studies were performed, and with the Sprint 1 (Unit Tests), Sprint 2 (Integration Tests), Sprint 3 (UAT), and Sprint 4 (Activating the MBOY system) phases, the system has been activated.


With our successful project, the following gains were achieved for Polimetal Mining:

  • In terms of innovation and sustainability, a fast, reliable and integrated information system infrastructure was established.
  • Real Time Sales-Cost Analysis was provided.
  • Real-time monitoring and execution of field studies in the mining industry
  • Activation of mining-specific solutions in production, maintenance and repair modules.

Two-month live support is provided for the project, which went live on November 1, 2021.